User Agreement to Consent of Review Publication
What are we asking for?
By submitting a review, you’re giving us permission to share certain information related to your review on our website’s review page.
What information will be shared?
We’ll share:
- Your review (exactly as you have written it)
- Your comment (exactly as submitted)
- Your name (full name or nick name exactly as entered on the form)
- The date and time you submitted the review
Where will this information be available?
This information will be publicly accessible on our website’s review page, which means anyone visiting our website can see it.
Why do we want to share this information?
We want to share your review and related information for marketing and promotional purposes, such as:
- Showcasing our customers’ experiences and opinions
- Building trust and credibility with potential customers
- Encouraging others to share their feedback
How will we protect your personal information?
Don’t worry! We take data protection seriously. We’ll handle your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which ensures we:
- Keep your data secure
- Don’t share it with third parties without your consent
- Only use it for the purposes stated above
Will we share your e-mail address?
No! We will not share your e-mail address publicly or any other sensitive information you entered on the review form.
By submitting your review, you’re agreeing to these terms. If you have any concerns, feel free to reach out!